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then and there

  • 1 then and there

    • heti paikalla

    English-Finnish dictionary > then and there

  • 2 there and then

    • paikalla
    • siinä samassa

    English-Finnish dictionary > there and then

  • 3 at intervals

    • hetkittäin
    • ajoittain
    • puuskittain
    * * *
    (here and there; now and then: Trees grew at intervals along the road.) paikoitellen, ajoittain

    English-Finnish dictionary > at intervals

  • 4 so

    • näin
    • niinpä
    • niin
    • noin
    • niin ollen
    • joten
    • tällä lailla
    • siis
    • siten
    • sillä lailla
    • sillä tavoin
    • siihen tapaan
    • siksi
    • sen vuoksi
    * * *
    səu 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) niin, näin, paljon
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) niin, noin
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) niin
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) niin, samoin
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') niin
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.) niinpä, siis
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far
    - so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak

    English-Finnish dictionary > so

  • 5 quarter

    • painomitta
    • ilmansuunta
    • jakaa neljään osaan
    • vartti
    • asunto
    • sijoittaa
    • armahdus
    • armo
    • vuosineljännes
    • puoli
    • kaupunginosa
    • nelikko
    • neljännesdollari
    • neljännesvuosi
    • neljäsosa
    • neljännes
    • majoittaa
    • maa
    • suunta
    • taho
    • kulmakunta
    • kulma
    • piiru
    • kortteli
    • kortteeri
    • kolkka
    * * *
    'kwo:tə 1. noun
    1) (one of four equal parts of something which together form the whole (amount) of the thing: There are four of us, so we'll cut the cake into quarters; It's (a) quarter past / (American) after four; In the first quarter of the year his firm made a profit; The shop is about a quarter of a mile away; an hour and a quarter; two and a quarter hours.) neljännes
    2) (in the United States and Canada, (a coin worth) twenty-five cents, the fourth part of a dollar.) neljännesdollari
    3) (a district or part of a town especially where a particular group of people live: He lives in the Polish quarter of the town.) kortteli
    4) (a direction: People were coming at me from all quarters.) suunta
    5) (mercy shown to an enemy.) armo
    6) (the leg of a usually large animal, or a joint of meat which includes a leg: a quarter of beef; a bull's hindquarters.) neljännes
    7) (the shape of the moon at the end of the first and third weeks of its cycle; the first or fourth week of the cycle itself.) neljännes
    8) (one of four equal periods of play in some games.) erä
    9) (a period of study at a college etc usually 10 to 12 weeks in length.) lukukausi
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into four equal parts: We'll quarter the cake and then we'll all have an equal share.) leikata neljään osaan
    2) (to divide by four: If we each do the work at the same time, we could quarter the time it would take to finish the job.) vähentää neljäsosaan
    3) (to give (especially a soldier) somewhere to stay: The soldiers were quartered all over the town.) majoittaa
    3. adverb
    (once every three months: We pay our electricity bill quarterly.) neljännesvuosittain
    4. noun
    (a magazine etc which is published once every three months.) neljännesvuosijulkaisu
    - quarter-deck
    - quarter-final
    - quarter-finalist
    - quartermaster
    - at close quarters

    English-Finnish dictionary > quarter

  • 6 pass

    • ohitse
    • ojentaa
    • olla käypä
    • ohittaa
    • osasuoritusvaihe
    • tulla hyväksytyksi
    • häipyä
    • hyväksytty
    • hyväksyminen
    • hätä
    • hyväksyä
    • isku
    • vapaalippu
    • vieriä
    • vierähtää
    • viettää
    • sola
    • sivuuttaa
    • siirtyä
    • alittaa
    • ajaa ohi
    • antaa
    • asema
    • approbatur-arvosana
    • approbatur
    • vaihe
    • vaihe(lajittelu-,käännös-)
    • välittää
    • väistää
    • vuotaa
    • väylä
    • pujottaa
    • päästä
    • päästö-
    • tilanne
    • kiertää
    • kadota
    • mennä ohi
    • mennä edelle
    • mennä
    • muuttua
    • periytyä
    • passata
    • passi
    • sattua
    • läpäistä
    • läpäisy
    • suorittaa
    • suoriutua jostakin
    • syttö
    automatic data processing
    • syöttö
    automatic data processing
    • syöttää
    • tapahtua
    finance, business, economy
    • tarjota
    • tarkastus
    • kulua
    • kulkulupa
    • kuluttaa
    • kulkea
    • kulkea ohi
    automatic data processing
    • käännösajon vaihe
    • käydä täydestä
    • käydä
    automatic data processing
    • lajitteluohjelman vaihe
    • lakata
    • poikki
    • koukata
    • läpikulku
    • lupalippu
    • läpi
    • lähentely
    • lomatodistus
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) ohittaa, kulkea
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) ojentaa, siirtää
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) mennä yli
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) ohittaa
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) viettää
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) hyväksyä
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) julistaa
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) mennä ohi
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) läpäistä
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) sola
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) lippu
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) tyydyttävät tiedot
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) syöttö
    - passing
    - passer-by
    - password
    - in passing
    - let something pass
    - let pass
    - pass as/for
    - pass away
    - pass the buck
    - pass by
    - pass off
    - pass something or someone off as
    - pass off as
    - pass on
    - pass out
    - pass over
    - pass up

    English-Finnish dictionary > pass

  • 7 roll

    • oppilasluettelo
    • oppilasmäärä
    textile industry
    • pakka
    • rullata
    • rulla
    • tukku
    • nyytti
    • nimiluettelo
    • nivaska
    • nippu
    • nimikirja
    • jyrähdys
    • jyrätä
    • jyrinä
    • jyristä
    • jäljempänä
    • jyrä
    • jylistä
    • hollanterin terätukki
    • vierähtää
    • vierittää
    • vieritse
    • vieriä
    • vieriskellä
    • sisäänheitto
    automatic data processing
    • sisäänheitto (ATK)
    • sisäänheitto(tietotekn)
    • aaltoilla
    • vaappua
    • valssi
    • valssata
    • vyöryä
    • vyöryttää
    • puola
    • pyöriä
    • pyöriminen
    • pärisyttää
    • päristä
    • pyörittää
    • pyöriä (vieriä)
    • pyörähdellä
    • pärinä
    • päristellä
    • rekisteri
    • tela
    • kaulita
    • kaulia
    • kieriä
    • kierittää
    • keinua
    • kieriskellä
    • kieritellä
    • kiertää
    • kierähdys
    • keinuttaa
    • kela
    • keinunta
    • kierähtää
    • kiiriä
    • kaaviloida
    • möyrytä
    • piehtaroida
    • pauhata
    • pauhina
    • saksansämpylä
    • matrikkeli
    • sylinteri
    • sämpylä
    • ääntää täryäänteenä
    • kuperkeikka
    • käämi
    • kääryle
    • kääriä
    • käärö
    • kääretorttu
    • pitko
    • pinkka
    • luettelo
    * * *
    I 1. rəul noun
    1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.) rulla
    2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.) sämpylä
    3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.) kierintä
    4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.) keinahtelu
    5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.) jyrinä
    6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.) makkarat
    7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).) pärinä
    2. verb
    1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.)
    2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.)
    3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.)
    4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.)
    5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.)
    6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.)
    7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).)
    8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.)
    9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.)
    10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.)
    11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.)
    12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.)
    13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.)
    - rolling
    - roller-skate
    3. verb
    (to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.) luistella rullaluistimilla
    - roll in
    - roll up
    (a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.) lista

    English-Finnish dictionary > roll

См. также в других словарях:

  • then and there — {adv. phr.} At that very time and place in the past; right then. * /He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him./ Compare: IN ONE S TRACKS, ON THE SPOT, HERE AND NOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • then and there — {adv. phr.} At that very time and place in the past; right then. * /He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him./ Compare: IN ONE S TRACKS, ON THE SPOT, HERE AND NOW …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • then and there — adverb Date: 15th century on the spot ; immediately < wanted the money right then and there > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Here and there — There There, adv. [OE. ther, AS. [eth][=ae]r; akin to D. daar, G. da, OHG. d[=a]r, Sw. & Dan. der, Icel. & Goth. [thorn]ar, Skr. tarhi then, and E. that. [root]184. See {That}, pron.] 1. In or at that place. [They] there left me and my man, both… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • here and there — {adv. phr.} 1. In one place and then in another. * /I looked here and there for my pen, but I didn t look everywhere./ * /Here and there in the yard little yellow flowers had sprung up./ 2. In various directions. * /We went here and there looking …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • here and there — {adv. phr.} 1. In one place and then in another. * /I looked here and there for my pen, but I didn t look everywhere./ * /Here and there in the yard little yellow flowers had sprung up./ 2. In various directions. * /We went here and there looking …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Now and Then, Here and There — Promotional image for Now and Then, Here and There depicting Shu and Lala Ru 今、そこに いる僕 (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku) …   Wikipedia

  • The Return / Then and Now (album) — Infobox Album Name = The Return Type = Album Artist = Vanilla Fudge |200.px Released = 2002 Recorded = Genre = Psychedelic rock Length = Label = WorldSound Records Producer = Carmine Appice Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|3.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • there — See: ALL THERE, HERE AND THERE, NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, THEN AND THERE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • there — See: ALL THERE, HERE AND THERE, NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, THEN AND THERE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • There Will Be Blood — Theatrical release poster Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson Produced by …   Wikipedia

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